Entries by Mark E. Ting


EVERYTHING YOU’VE EVER LEARNED ABOUT MARKETING IS WRONG! In the physical world, if you have a physical location and you are selling your products or services, there is a saying the business world lives by.  “Distribution is King” or in other words “He who has the most, Wins!” A lesser known fact that brings truth to these […]

Gone In 60 Seconds

Did you know that every 60 seconds Twitter sees (on average) more than 98,000 tweets? And that over 320 new users register on the network each and every minute?


Social Networking Anonymous

Steve Rubel has published a number of interesting stats about the adoption of social networking. Most notable is that 66 per cent of Americans now use a social networking site, predominantly Facebook. And, 43 per cent of these users visit the social networking site multiple times per day.

Five reasons corporations are failing at social media

“It’s not rocket surgery.” That malapropism became a bit of a mantra at last week’s Inbound Marketing Summit. Social media isn’t complicated. When you boil it down it’s about listening to your customers, being helpful by offering your knowledge and giving them interesting content to share and thereby advocate for you. The IMS speakers shared several […]

Social Media Work Flow

Ever wonder how much time you should devote to social media each week? While there is no set formula, this infographic breaks down the  components of maintaining and measuring a social media strategy, based on a 40 hour work week. Maintaining a social media strategy is not only about scheduling tweets and replying to mentions. […]

Look Ma, No Hands:

More Than Half Of Companies Say They Are Using Social Media With No Strategy While 78% percent of corporate respondents say their company is using social media, only 41% say they have a strategic plan in place to guide such activity, according to a new study from marketing firm Digital Brand Expressions.